Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Course Registration at Yonsei

Yonsei offers several course registration opportunities for (exchange) students. The first one was on the 7th of August. Here's what I noticed and how I was able to enroll for all the courses I wished.

It's quite a process, course enrollment. I am not used to enrolling myself for course that I want, since I get a premade curriculum at the Hague University. It was therefore a fun process for me, as I could choose all the course I wanted. I had a few ideas of courses I wanted to take, but my eventual wish list became:

1. Free trade agreements
2. International management
3. Corporation and its legal environment
4. Intensive Korean (level 1)
5. Introduction to Korean studies

In a perfect world, I would have chosen human resources in stead of introduction to Korean studies, but unfortunately there's a three business course-limit, which means students can only choose 3 business and economic-themed courses (I believe, cause I am not sure on this whether courses under the Exchange faculty/international office also fall under this limit, I will inform myself once I arrive at Yonsei).

How to enroll (2014):
I'll now explain how you can enroll for the Yonsei courses, however be aware that I write this in August 2014, so the process may change in the future. Check the course guide to be sure!

Step 1: check your e-mail for the course guide, which you should receive in July. Read it carefully.
Step 2: Go to the portal on the registration day, and make sure you log in at 7:00 am Korean time, so that you can make a wishlist. I guess you don't have to be there at 7, since the wishlist isn't on a first come first serve basis, it's just a wishlist.
-> you make a wishlist by clicking on the orange button on the left (under the "add to wishlist" column).
Step 4: Wait until its 10:00 am Korean time. Make sure you are ready to click on the course title in your wishlist at 10:00:00, this way I got all the courses I wanted.
-> use a clock that shows seconds, 9:59:59 is your time to focus. 10:00:10 is too late.

Did not get all the courses you wanted, for example because there was a 5 max. cap for certain courses? Don't worry, there should be more opportunities to enroll for courses.